Copyright © 1995-2000 MZA Associates Corporation

tempus Matlab Interface Guide



mat files: Loading data from .mat files

m-systems: Writing tempus simple systems using m-file language

mex-systems: Executing tempus systems from within Matlab

t-functions: Executing tempus systems as Simulink s-functions

trf files: Accessing .trf files from within Matlab


Matlab is a very powerful tool which provides many visualization and analysis features not available in tempus alone. To capitalize on the features of Matlab and to avoid having to duplicate them, tempus provides a number of useful interfaces to Matlab. This manual provides detailed information on the use of these features.

.mat files: Loading data from .mat files

Matlab is a very convenient environment to manipulate and store data. Hence, its flexible file format, .mat, is a natural format to use for inputting data into tempus. A number of routines are provided to load data from .mat files into tempus-specific data types. The mechanism is intended to provide a convenient way to allow tempus parameters and default inputs and outputs to be loaded from .mat files. In addition, programmers writing new simple systems for tempus can use the routines.

m-systems: Writing tempus simple systems using m-file language

tempus provides a robust mechanism for incorporating routines written in Matlab's m-file language as simple systems within a tempus system. Such systems are called m-systems. To use this feature, the user must take the following steps:

See the tempus m-system User's Guide for detailed information on the creation and use of m-systems.

mex-systems: Executing tempus systems from within Matlab

tempus runsets are created with auto-generated code which allows tempus systems to be executed from the Matlab command line as mex-functions.

See the tempus mex-system User's Guide for detailed information on the creation and use of mex-systems.

t-functions: Executing tempus systems as Simulink s-functions

Properly constructed tempus systems can be executed as s-functions within Simulink and can be made to interact within a Simulink model.

See the tempus mex-system User's Guide for detailed information on the creation and use of t-functions.

trf files: Accessing .trf files from within Matlab

The trf User's Guide and the trf Toolbox User's Guide provide detailed information on tempus' powerful and flexible interface for accessing .trf files from within Matlab.

See the tempus Recorder File (trf) User's Guide for detailed information on the use of trf files.