tempus System Class Derivatives
Derivatives is part of the WaveTrain system class library.

Takes a WaveTrain wavefront as input. Outputs grids of phase derivatives w.r.t. X and Y. The output grid spacing is given by the parameter dxy and the grid size is sufficient to span the specified apeture diameter, up to a maximum given by nxy.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
ApDiam  float   Diameter of area to be sampled (m)   Dap
nxy  int   Maximum output grid size   propnxy
dxy  float   Output grid spacing (m)   propdxy
wavelength  float   Wavelength at which this sensor responds (m)   
incident  WaveTrain   Incident WaveTrain to be sampled   WaveTrain()
on  bool   Flag indicating whether or not the sensor is on   true
exposureInterval  double   Exposure interval   0.001
exposureLength  double   Exposure length   0.000001
sampleInterval  double   Amount of time between samples (s)   0.0
Dx  Grid<float>   Derivatives of phase w.r.t. X on grid spanning aperture (m^-1)   
Dy  Grid<float>   Derivatives of phase w.r.t. Y on grid spanning aperture (m^-1)   

Last Saved: Fri Mar 13 12:46:26 MDT 2009 by TVE version 2009B