tempus System Class Recenter
Recenter is part of the WaveTrain system class library.

Recenter calculates the thresholded centroid of an image and then recenters the image.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
relativeThreshold  float   Relative threshold, expressed as a fraction of the maximum value in the image.   0.1f
typeOfThreshold  int   Type of threshold: 1 = subtract, then set negative values to zero. 2 = set values below the threshold to zero   2
dx  float   X spacing of image grid to be used in computation (m), which need not match grid of input image   propdxy
dy  float   Y spacing of image grid to be used in computation (m), which need not match grid of input image   propdxy
nx  int   X dimension of image grid to be used in computation, which need not match grid of input image   propnxy
ny  int   Y dimension of image grid to be used in computation, which need not match grid of input image   propnxy
image  Grid<float>   Input image   
xc  float   X centroid (m)   
yc  float   Y centroid (m)   
recenteredimage  Grid<float>   Re-centered image   

Last Saved: Thu Feb 26 09:41:39 MST 2004 by TVE version 2009B