tempus System Class RecenterWFS
RecenterWFS is part of the WaveTrain system class library.

RecenterWFSStruct accepts an input WFS struct of the sort used by WFSImageProcessing, plus two vectors of floats containing new x and y centroid positions. It updates the WFS struct with the new x and y centroids and then writes the altered struct to a file. The file name is either specified as a parameter or is generated using the system date as a base.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
outFileName  constchar*   Name of file for output. If NULL, a unique filename will be generated based on date   0
outFilePrefix  constchar*   Prefix to use when generating a unique filename for output. The filename will be generated based on this prefix plus the date. May be NULL.   0
wfs  mxArray*   wfs struct to write to file with modified centroid values   0
nActuators  int   number of actuators for empty control matrix which is generated   79
xcIn  Vector<float>   Centroids from WFSImageProc   
ycIn  Vector<float>   Centroids from WFSImageProc   

Last Saved: Fri Sep 02 11:56:32 MDT 2005 by TVE version 2009B