tempus System Class SumGridAvgF
SumGridAvgF is part of the WaveTrain system class library.

This was designed to sum two identical grids of floating point numbers. If the grids are not identical, the sum operation does not happen.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
calculateOnI2Only  bool   This allows us to calculate on the I2 output only. It is good for limiting calcuations and staging calculations of things like saturable gain in a resonator.   true
averageGrid  bool      true
I1  Grid<float>   Input grid one   ZeroGridF(256,0.01)
I2  Grid<float>   Input grid two   ZeroGridF(256,0.01)
weight1  float   Multiplicative Grid 1 weight   1.0
weight2  float   Multiplicative Grid 2 Weight   1.0
Iout  Grid<float>    ZeroGridF(256,0.01)  

Last Saved: Tue May 30 13:19:34 MDT 2006 by TVE version 2009B