tempusSystem Class CoherentMultiUniformSource
CoherentMultiUniformSource is part of the WaveTrain system class library

CoherentMultiUniformSource models an optically rough reflector illuminated by multiple uniform intensity plane waves with specified tilts. It is a composite system, containing two subsystems, a MultiUniformWave and a CoherentTarget. It has a single WaveTrain output, representing the transmitted light.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
minWavelength  float   Minimum wavelength (m)   1.0e-06
maxWavelength  float   Maximum wavelength (m)   1.0e-06
irradiance  float   Irradiance (W/(m^2))   1.0
xTilt  Vector<float>&   The x-tilt to be applied to each beam (rad).   Vector()
yTilt  Vector<float>&   The y-tilt to be applied to each beam (rad).   Vector()
reflectance  Grid<float>&   Reflectance map.   reflectance
iseed  int   Random seed for roughness profile.   iseed
meanRoughness  float   Mean roughness (m)   meanRoughness
transmitted  WaveTrain   Transmitted WaveTrain   
phase  Grid<float>   Randomized roughness (m)   

Subsystem icon
  CoherentTarget    ct
reflectance  Grid<float>   Grid()
iseed  int   iseed
meanRoughness  float   meanRoughness

Subsystem icon
  MultiUniformWave    multiuniformwave
minWavelength  float   minWavelength
maxWavelength  float   maxWavelength
irradiance  float   irradiance
xTilt  Vector<float>&   xTilt
yTilt  Vector<float>&   yTilt

phase  <<=  ct.phase
transmitted  <<=  ct.transmitted
ct.incident  <<=  multiuniformwave.transmitted
Last Saved: Fri Feb 18 13:16:53 MST 2000 by TVE version 2007B