tempusSystem Class IncoherentSource
IncoherentSource is part of the WaveTrain system class library

IncoherentSource models an optically rough reflector illuminated by a uniform intensity plane wave. The reflected return is modeled using multiple independent speckle realizations. IncoherentSource is a composite system, containing two subsystems, a UniformWave and a IncoherentReflector. It has a single WaveTrain output, representing the transmitted light. See also CoherentSource.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
minWavelength  float   Minimum wavelength in m   minWavelength
maxWavelength  float   Maximum wavelength in m   maxWavelength
irradiance  float   Irradiance in W/(m^2)   irradiance
reflectance  Grid<float>   reflectance map   reflectance
dxymax  float   maximum allowed mesh spacing for intensity integration   dxymax
nWaves  int   number of speckle realizations   nWaves
iseed  int   random number seed for speckle   iseed
transmitted  WaveTrain      
illumination  Grid<float>      
power  float   Total power in Watts   
returned  Grid<float>      

Subsystem icon
  UniformWave    uw
minWavelength  float   minWavelength
maxWavelength  float   maxWavelength
irradiance  float   irradiance

Subsystem icon
  IncoherentReflector    ir
reflectance  Grid<float>   reflectance
dxymax  float   dxymax
nWaves  int   nWaves
iseed  int   iseed

transmitted  <<=  ir.transmitted
illumination  <<=  ir.illumination
power  <<=  uw.power
returned  <<=  ir.returned
ir.incident  <<=  uw.transmitted
Last Saved: Mon Apr 02 16:58:42 MDT 2007 by TVE version 2007B