tempusSystem Class Multibeam
Multibeam is part of the WaveTrain system class library

MultiBeam models a multibeam pulsed laser source. The beams are identical, except for their positions in the source plane, and they are mutually incoherent. Each beam has the same specified gaussian beam profile, wavelength, pulse interval, pulse length, and power per pulse. Each pulse is modeled as being rectangular and symmetric, and ordinarily only a single propagation is performed for each pulse, in the middle of the pulse interval, with a power of pulseEnergy/pulseLength. It has a single WaveTrain output, representing the transmitted light.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
pulseInterval  double   Interval between pulses (s)   
pulseLength  double   Length of pulse (s)   
pulseEnergy  float   Power per pulse for each source (J/m^2)   
xBeam  Vector<float>   Offsets of Gaussian center in x-direction (m)   
yBeam  Vector<float>   Offsets of Gaussian center in y-direction (m)   
wavelength  float   Wavelength of sources (m)   
sigma  float   Radius of 1-sigma point (m)   
on  bool      
transmitted  WaveTrain      

Last Saved: Wed Jan 30 11:44:55 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B