tempusSystem Class PointReflector
PointReflector is part of the WaveTrain system class library

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
wavelength  float   Wavelength of source (m)   1.0e-06
power  float   Source power (W)   1.0e+06
exposureInterval  float   Interval between pulses (s)   1.0e-03
exposureLength  float   Length of pulse (s)   1.0e-06
nxy  int   Number of pixels across sensor   64
dxy  float   Width of sensor (m)   1.0
r0  Vector<float>   Initial point source position (m,m)   ZeroVecF(2)
radius  float   Radius of reflection (m)   0.5
targetGrid  GridGeometry   defines propagation mesh at aperture plane.   grid_with_origin_on_mesh(propnxy,propdxy)
superApDiameter  float   Used in modeling point sources and surface speckle; defines a circular region at the aperture plane which in vacuum would be uniformly illuminated   superApDiameter
edgeSigma  float   Used in modeling point sources and surface speckle; defines a gaussian round odd at the edge of the superaperture   edgeSigma
incident  WaveTrain   Incident Wavetrain to be sampled   WaveTrain()
pson  bool   Flag indicating whether or not the point source is on   false
tbon  bool   Flag indicating whether or not the sensor is on   false
transmitted  WaveTrain   Describes all light transmitted in the "incoming" direction   

Subsystem icon
  TargetBoard    targetboard
wavelength  float   wavelength
nxy  int   nxy
dxy  float   dxy

Subsystem icon
  FpaProcessing    fpaproc
nx  int   nxy
ny  int   nxy
dx  float   dxy
dy  float   dxy
relativeThreshold  float   0.0
typeOfThreshold  int   1
n_per_average  int   0

Subsystem icon
  MovingPointSource    mps
wavelength  float   wavelength
power  float   power
r0  Vector<float>   r0

Subsystem icon
  FtoVF    ftovf

Subsystem icon
  Aperture    aperture
apertureRadius  float   radius
annulusRadius  float   0.0

Subsystem icon
  PropagationController    propagationcontroller
targetGrid  GridGeometry   targetGrid
xReferenceFocus  float   0.0
yReferenceFocus  float   0.0
oneTimeSpatialFilter  constFilter&   NullFilter()
spatialFilter  constFilter&   NullFilter()
absorbingBoundary  constFilter&   NullFilter()
pointSourceModel  PointSourceModel   DEFAULT_PSM
speckleModel  SpeckleModel   DEFAULT_SM
superApDiameter  float   superApDiameter
edgeSigma  float   edgeSigma
useDispersion  bool   false
nominalWavelength  float   0.0

targetboard.incident  <<=  incident
mps.on  <<=  pson
targetboard.on  <<=  tbon
transmitted  <<=  aperture.incomingTransmitted
fpaproc.image  <<=  targetboard.integrated_intensity
ftovf.f0  <<=  fpaproc.xc
ftovf.f1  <<=  fpaproc.yc
mps.r  <<=  ftovf.vout
aperture.incomingIncident  <<=  propagationcontroller.transmitted
propagationcontroller.incident  <<=  mps.transmitted
Last Saved: Fri Feb 22 09:11:27 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B